EPISODE 5: Why Men Won't Do The Work

Season #2

In this episode of the True Freedom Podcast, Bodhi and Richard explore the topic of why some men are hesitant to do personal growth/development work on themselves and to get some support. The discussion covers...

- the impact of male culture in Australia and the UK vs the USA, including tall poppy syndrome.
- the connection between values, behaviour, and self-awareness, and the importance of shifting values to bring about behaviour change
- the importance of personal growth and development for men, especially in the context of marriage, parenthood, and business
- the importance of being honest with oneself and acknowledging the fears and unfulfillment that many men feel, despite their privilege
the importance of seeking help, whether it be through a coach, therapy, or men's groups
the importance of building community and connection.

The True Freedom podcast is for male householders as they navigate the journey of what it means to be a man with worldy responsibilities – marriage, mortgage, business and kids. The podcast will explore our relationships with the external world… including the primary relationship with our beloved; our relationships with our children as a parent; with our career and purpose; with money; with leadership; with others and, most importantly, the relationship we have with ourselves.


The book Bodhi references is 'Regrets of the Dying' by Bronnie Ware: 

To access Bodhi’s FREE Mini Course, ‘5 Steps to Freedom & Flow’ and get on Bodhi’s email list go to: https://bodhialdridge.com/freedomandflow/


If you have a question to ask the guys please email: [email protected]

To access the podcast website go to: https://www.truefreedompodcast.com

For information about working with Bodhi go to: https://www.bodhialdridge.com/

To connect with Richard or Bodhi via LinkedIN go to:

Richard Stokes (Producer/Host): https://www.linkedin.com/in/stokesrichard/

Bodhi Aldridge (Coach/Teacher): https://www.linkedin.com/in/bodhialdridge/