The Masculine & Feminine in Business

8 Week Online Group Mastermind
Wednesdays from 4th September - 23rd October 2024
Australia: 5.00pm - 6.30pm AEST / 
UK: 8.00am - 9.30am BST 

Following on from our Masterclass, we are offering an 8 week Mastermind Group Online Program to dive more deeply into the topic of 'The Masculine & Feminine in Business'.

Are you a leader, entrepreneur, or executive seeking to elevate your leadership capabilities, foster personal growth and create a more cohesive, productive work environment?

If so, this Mastermind will help you unlock your full potential and achieve extraordinary results in your business and relationships.

Through Bodhi’s groundbreaking integration of contemporary leadership development and traditional wisdom, he, with his wife and business partner, Amala Rose, will guide you and a group of your leadership peers on a transformative journey of exploration and growth.

Over the course of 8 weeks, you’ll delve into the topic of Masculine and Feminine Energies and Traits in a way that will redefine your approach to leadership, communication and personal development, transforming your life and career from the inside out.


"The group taught us that we were actually not alone on this journey we call life and our experiences, the highs and the lows, are shared. This in itself creates a new comfort zone and inner peace that I still enjoy to this day."

Adrian Dine, Ad.Structure


Would You Like to?

> Develop a deeper connection and presence with yourself and your team?
> Gain absolute clarity and certainty in your communication?
> Gain complete clarity around the individual and organisational direction and purpose?
> Learn the ability to make the best decision every time?
> Learn the ability to self regulate, to reduce stress, overwhelm and anxiety?
> Develop a greater awareness of boundaries, improved energy, joy and work life balance and the ability to access flow states?

What You'll Receive:

> 8 weeks of immersive, transformative content delivered by Bodhi and Amala.
> Weekly 1.5HR live teaching/coaching calls via Zoom to delve deep into the material and address any questions and challenges.
> Powerful exercises, reflections and practices to help you integrate the learnings and experience profound personal growth. 
> Access to a supportive community of like-minded leaders, entrepreneurs and executives who are committed to elevating their leadership and creating positive change.
> Access to a 24/7 Student Portal to re-watch sessions and access meditations, worksheets and additional resources.


Your Time Commitment:

The Program will be delivered over 8 weeks from 4 September - 23rd October 2024. You need to commit 1.5 hours each week for the live coaching/training calls plus a few minutes each day for reflection/practice.

If you're unable to attend a session, they will be recorded and added to the Student Portal which you can access at any time.

What We'll Cover:

Week 1:  Intro to Masculine and Feminine Energies, Neuroscience, Characteristics and Traits

Week 2: Connection and Direction in Leadership and Embodied Presence

Week 3: Masculine and Feminine Needs and Styles in Communication

Week 4: What we see in Business at the Moment (Frequent Challenges and Questions)

Week 5: Boundaries Through Presence

Week 6: Balancing the Polarities Within

Week 7: Application in Leadership, Sales and Business Development

Week 8: Q&A + Wrap Up

"I just loved the group thing. I have always been a solo player, but hearing the views, experiences and challenges of the group made me feel so normal... and it was a great learning experience for me.”

Jerry Wolveridge, Wolveridge Architects


Who is it For?

The Mastermind is perfect for business owners and leaders of any gender wanting to...

Deepen their relationship with themselves and access traits they already possess within.
> Improve communication and understanding in their teams, no matter what gender.
> Improve relationships and sales with clients and suppliers, no matter what gender.
> Reduce miscommunication, misunderstandings, resistance and conflict in their business.
> Enjoy greater freedom, flow, peace, intimacy and joy in their business and home life.


Your Investment:

The cost of the 8 week Mastermind is:

**EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT- If you sign up by 30 July 2024, receive a 20% discount, reducing the price to AUD$3995 and £1995 respectively.**

**BONUS FOR FIRST 10 SIGN UPS - The first 10 people to sign up for the Mastermind will receive a FREE 1HR Coaching Session with either Bodhi or Amala - your choice.**


Take the First Step Towards True Freedom...

With limited spots available, secure your place and embark on a transformative journey that will change your life from the inside out.... 



Your Guides: Bodhi & Amala

Bodhi and Amala have been married for 40 years and have worked and taught together for many of those. Together they have 4 children and 10 grandchildren.

Bodhi guides successful entrepreneurs worldwide on their quest to True Freedom. He is on a mission to support those entangled in life's complexities toward genuine connection and profound impact. An essential part of this journey is the understanding of the Masculine and Feminine Energies.

Amala is a Psychotherapist and Coach who supports women in business to get present, create healthy boundaries and be seen and heard in the workplace and in life.

Bodhi and Amala share a fascination for the way the Masculine and Feminine Energies influence and shape our lives, our relationships, our communication and leadership. Together they bring a profound, yet practical understanding of the subject.