Distraction to Presence

Integrate the Practice of Presence into Your Life.
A 12 Week Group Experience for Male Business Owners & Leaders.


Do you find yourself constantly in a place of distraction and have difficulty being present?
Is this affecting your relationships - with your team, with your partner, with your children?

Distraction is one of the ways we resist life which can lead to stress, overwhelm and disconnection. Would you rather a sense of flow, connection and joy in life?

The biggest addiction in the Western World is our thinking mind. And our thinking mind is addicted to distraction.

We’re always looking for distraction. Whether it’s reaching for a phone, for a substance, for exercise or sport, for television or food, whatever our addictions are…

Most men in the western world live life through this lens of distraction which leads to disconnection, estranged relationships, stress and eventual burnout.

The biggest asset you have as a man is your attention.
Where your attention goes, your energy flows.

How do you take ownership of your attention to get more Present? To show up for yourself? To get present with your team at work? To be Present for your beloved? To get Present with your children? 

One of the most attractive things to the feminine is a man who is Present. And one of the things our children need most from their Dad is this feeling of safety provided by you being more Present with them.


“Bodhi has sped up my ability to get Present and in Flow. As a result, my performance and the way I show up in my life has completely transformed.”

Tom Wickham, Olympic Medallist
Perth, Australia


The key to understanding attention is creating the space to know yourself. To know your true self.

What you do is not who you are. We’re human beings, not human doings.. and to become more Present, we need to reconnect with our being.

Part of what Bodhi teaches, through some very simple practices, is how to get back into your body. The key with Presence is cultivating Embodied Presence. All traditional cultures knew this. The practices Bodhi teaches work directly with Key Activation Points in the body to achieve this.

When you can embody Presence, you will become more grounded, aware and attentive. You’re not going to reach for the distractions. You’re going to have more choice; more attention as to where you’re putting your energy. More freedom.

Reducing distraction and cultivating Presence will transform your relationships, especially your most important relationships - with your beloved and with your children.

When you can become more Present, you also begin to experience more flow in life... Flow is a state where you are fully immersed in the present moment with a feeling of energized focus, involvement and ease. Through the practice of developing Presence, you can take this experience into all areas of your life.

If you master Embodied Presence, you will create the life you’re looking for – whatever it is – relationships, intimacy, health, wealth, career, business… it’s an inside out job.

Program Outcomes:

>  Commit to a daily meditation practice for cultivating Embodied Presence
>  Slow down your mind and reduce frustration, stress and overwhelm
>  Re-connect with yourself
>  Feel greater connection with your partner and kids
>  Become less triggered in your relationships
>  Have more energy and experience more joy and flow in life
>  Feel deeply connected to a community of like-minded men from around the world. 

About the Program:

Through Bodhi’s ground-breaking integration of contemporary leadership development and traditional wisdom, he will guide you on a 12 Week Group Program from Distraction to Presence.

Through a series of proven Practices, Frameworks and Activations, Bodhi will bring your awareness to the root cause of your distraction and guide you to develop a daily practice for cultivating Embodied Presence.

This program is a prerequisite for Bodhi's Leadership Mastery Program because developing Embodied Presence is the essential foundation for any deeper work around leadership, career and wealth.


"Through Bodhi’s coaching program, I was guided to a space deep within where I have been able to touch who I really am and allow the true nature of my being to shine more brightly. This has had such a profound impact in my life, allowing me to walk taller, be gentler, and transform both personal and professional relationships in my life."
Andrew Millson, Managing Executive, Food Lovers Market, South Africa

“As an extension of my one-on-one with Bodhi, I was invited to take part in his group program. This was certainly a step outside of my comfort zone but Bodhi was a strong advocate for the power of group and my trust in him allowed me to step into that space. The group taught us all that we're actually not alone on this journey we call life and our experiences are shared. This in itself creates a new comfort zone and inner peace that I enjoy to this day."
Adrian Dine, Director & Structural Engineer, Ad.Structure, Australia


The Power of Group Work:

Bodhi offers this Program predominantly through group work. In his experience, spending time with a like-minded group of men enhances the transformation process, allowing participants to relate and grow through witnessing each other's challenges and breakthroughs.

This collective process enriches the experience beyond measure, fostering personal growth and a profound sense of connection.

"The real highlight for me was getting to know the guys in the group and witnessing every one of them turn a huge corner. To be a part of that was wonderful. I just loved the group thing! I have always been a solo player, but hearing the views, experiences and challenges of the guys made me feel so normal... and it was a great learning experience for me."

Jerry Wolveridge
Director, Wolveridge Architect
Melbourne, Australia



What You'll Receive:

> 8 x 1.5 hour Group Teaching/Coaching Sessions (2 per month) - each session will include a mixture of Teaching and Coaching. These sessions are recorded so you can rewatch them at any time.

3 x 1 hour One-on-one Private Mentoring Sessions - in addition to the group work, receive ongoing private support each month throughout the program. (This element may be optional for existing one-on-one clients)

Pre-session Teaching Videos - Bodhi will share 10-15min videos before each Group Session capturing the main teachings to make the most of the sessions.

> A Comprehensive Student Portal - that you can access online 24/7 where all group sessions, private sessions, resources and meditations are available.

> Guided Meditation Audio Files - that you can download to your phone for daily practice.

> A Dedicated Whatsapp Group - for staying in touch and supporting each other in between sessions.



The Program will be run on Tuesdays over 8 sessions from 12 November 2024 - 18 February 2025, at 6.00pm AEST (Brisbane Time) or 8.00am GMT (London Time).

To download the calendar: CLICK HERE

What The Program Will Cover:

Session 1: Meet & Greet Distraction - What is it and why do we do it?

Session 2: Personal Presence  - Why is it so important and how do we cultivate it?

Session 3 & 4: Relational Presence - How do we bring presence to our families and our teams as a leaders?

Session 5: Integration Session

Session 6 & 7: Systemic Presence - How do we navigate the complexities of the business and stakeholder systems we work in?

Session 8: Integration and Wrap Up.

For pricing information or if would like to sign up, please fill out the form below or contact Bodhi directly on [email protected].

Availability is strictly limited and there may be a waitlist. 


Want to know more?

Let us know if you're interested and we can arrange a short call with Bodhi to discuss the Program.

 Bodhi Aldridge

Bodhi Aldridge guides impactful leaders worldwide on their quest to true freedom. He is on a mission to lead those entangled in life's complexities toward genuine connection and profound impact. His core philosophy asserts that "everyone has magnificence within them - it just has to be remembered."

Bodhi creates a safe space for his clients to be authentic, share their deepest challenges, get to the heart of what really matters and then create a pathway that makes them richer leaders, entrepreneurs and wealth creators.